Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lessons from the Last Emperor

I don’t know how many you have seen this movie – The Last Emperor , if you haven’t watched it yet , its high time you watch it .

Its an movie which will make you feel for an man whose life takes too many turns and ends up losing all that he has and finally dies. The story of the last emperor is true life incident of Henry Puyi – who was the last emperor of China. Since his father died . He had to climb the throne at the age of 3 .Due to the changes in political climate , slowly he was dethroned and his palace was abducted by the revolutionaries .At that time he was 32 . He lost everything , then he sided with the Japanese . The Japanese were using him to fight against the Chinese . Without knowing this , he supported the Japanese . In the war , China won over Japan and took all the men and women who supported the Japanese as war criminals , finally , he was in prison for 10 years and got released for his good conduct . After his term in jail , he found himself a job as a gardener and died at the age of 59 .

It is certainly a movie which will make you think.

We all think that tomorrow is permanent . we live as if we will never die . We ignore all small things in life , we end up thinking that luxury and sex are the most pleasurable things to reach . But then after looking at Henry Puyi’s life , I have made up my mind.
Tomorrow is as important as today . Today is as important as yesterday . Every day has something for us to ponder about . However , I don’t know how many of us have the courage to embrace change and be flexible enough to take life without affecting the things that matters the most to us .

I hope that I am not boring you too much with my philosophies , my idea is just to convey that , please do not think that today is enough , tomorrow is more important that today because , you may don’t mind to die as a pauper , however , it is our near and dear who is going to bear that influence of the lead man dying in poverty .Does it mean that we should win in life at ANY COST ? Definitely no , that is precisely why I have chosen the life of Henry Puyi as a topic of this article . Winning is important , however not at ANY COST.

Sometimes , life takes us to places where we never wanted to land , not even in our dreams . But many times , that is what u can expect out of life . When we try to break the laws that life wants us to abide with , life breaks us down . This does not mean that we should give in to our sorrows . it simply means that we should go with the wind . Learn to live life as a man who is going to get million opportunities to regain his/her lost legacy , however don’t let the desperation to succeed , tamper the joyful movements.

Before he died , Henry Puyi , visited the forbidden city ( His palace) as a visitor and he paid an entry fee to gain access to see his very own throne , on which he was crowned as a emperor . His secondary consort , left him when he was in his mid thirties . His wife betrayed him when he went to Japan to visit the Japanese emperor and gave birth to a child , who was actually born for his driver . He was never supported by his parents . He never got his parents love . He was raised by an servant maid , who was persuaded out of the forbidden city as a result of jealousy , because she gained so much important from the emperor. I really felt sad for him as he never got a fair chance to understand what life was , by the time he realized it , he was grey and died.

But one positive thing about Puyi ,is that he died as a courageous man , who accepted his faults and lived a honorable life of a gardener till his last breath . My job is not create sympathy for Henry Puyi , it should create an enlightenment for all of us . let us not make our children another henry puyi , for not allowing them to learn what life is . Let us not live with past glory and forget that there are new destinies to be reached. Let us not forget that where ever life takes us , it has a valuable lesson for each one of us .Last but not least , let us remember that survival makes all the difference to make a come back for things we have lost.

Thriving is important , but it is not as important as surviving .

1 comment:

Shayne said...
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