Friday, April 13, 2007

Fire begins - Difference in Mankind

Recently when I was browsing National Geography’s website, I came across the link that led me to their Genome project . They call it the GENOGRAPHIC PROJECT. The findings of these projects are interesting and exciting. I just thought of sharing a glimpse of it with all of you.

What is this Genome all about?

Genome is all about taking human DNA sample and cracking its sequence to find out the origin of our mankind . It is like unraveling a secret code from our DNA strands.

What is this NAT – GEO’s Genographic project?

The Genographic Project will use sophisticated computer analysis of DNA contributed by hundreds of thousands of people—including and traditional populations and the general public—to reveal man's migratory history and to better understand the connections and differences that make up the human race.

From the above 2 questions, I guess all of us would have got an fair understanding of what I am to discuss about.

I don’t want to get into too many details on the Genographic project , however , I would like throw some light on one particular finding of the genome project

When humans first ventured out of Africa some 60000 years ago , they left genetic footprints still visible today . By mapping the appearance and frequency of genetic markers in modern peoples , we create a picture of when and where ancient humans moved around the world . These great migrations eventually LED TO THE DESCENDANTS OF A SMALL GROUP OF AFRICANS TO OCCUPY THE FARTHEST REACHES OF THE EARTH

When I read this passage , I was awestruck . In a crux, the above paragraph means, that all of us , the entire mankind , has descended from a small tribal group which migrated out of Africa .

Isn’t it unbelievable ? - but it is the truth .

The above statement also implies that I am some how related to George bush , OSAMA BIN LADEN and yes , the person who is reading this blog. I love this conspiracy . It gives a paradigm shift of how an stranger should be looked at .

Imagine this , you walk on a busy street and you find a lot of people walking around . You don’t know any of them , however , you are related to each and every one of them somehow . Which means – They are not actually strangers to you .

Today , the entire humanity is divided by Geographical borders , languages , religions and yes , sometimes by rivers . If we all go back and think about our roots( which incase let me call them as Adam & eve ) , we exist today as a result of their reproduction . So we all ( all the races of mankind) have come from 1 single root . Now it has been proved that all the genetic traces point to the africas , which means , we all have come from the people who migrated from Africa , who left their places in search of food and shelter . Today , it has multiplied and now you see that the entire world is filled by humans .

Today , there is a lot of bloodshed in this world . We kill each other . We want to have nuclear arms . We ignore the poverty conditions of our neighbourhood . Avoid beggars . Don’t care to help , when somebody desperately asks for it . We spend lakhs of money in offering gods , but not even think of feeding a child who asks you little food .We ignore poors , we respect the riches . We trouble animals and nature , thinking that everything was created for us to destroy . However , if we just spend few seconds to think that we all have similar roots and we all are some how related each other , we will not indulge in war , we will not kill each other , we will not ignore the poverty stricken , we will not chase away street children and yes ,the world would have been a better place .

Last but not the least , Man was created to make this world a better place . Only when we differentiate between our humankind , we indulge in killing each other. If we all believe that we all came from one point , we will not see them as different but look at them as your own brothers or sisters.

My intention in this article is not to preach anything out of ordinary. However , to convey a message of goodness to all , who reads this posting . The success of this blog is not in changing a man completely but atleast to make him to think for few minutes about the differences that we make at each other . Even if I make one person think, then that will be my success .

Let me start the fire, if nothing burns, let me set myself in fire.”

more piece of mind ……… to come


Sudha said...

Hi.. Tamil...

It was great...

Really i can feel some changes myself..

And my request is......
Please continue posting....

Don't hide the skills within yourself..

Let it grow and get refined.

All the Best !!! And I'm Expecting a lot from you...Dreamer..

Dream a lot... and Express a lot....

Silent Sensations said...

Awww... this one sounds like Brian Weiss for some strange reason...
Ver very very well written blogs.